Weight Loss Success


Welcome and congratulations for taking charge of your health. I salute you!

Your transformation has just began. Am proud and excited for you!?


1. Long are the days when people would work out at the gym or do home exercises blindly without a programme or plan to guide their eating and fitness habits and address underlying reasons why with some people, weight loss is difficult; for example, SLOW METABOLISM. Ever seen people who eat so much but hardly gain weight and others who eat little or moderate but gain weight too quickly? That’s differences in metabolism. You can spend so much money and time trying to lose weight but never reach anywhere without a metabolism boost like what is offered by our programme.

2. Another BIG REASON is that you are not cleansing. Important fact is: Without GETTING RID OF ACCUMULATED WASTES AND TOXINS from your body, the likelihood of you reaching your ultimate weight loss goals and maintaining, is so low. WHY? THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS:- With the accumulated wastes and toxins stored in our bodies, we embark on losing weight. We lose some kgs and our frame reduces but toxins remain, increasing toxic density resulting in rebounding as toxic overload triggers the body’s need to create fat. Weight is therefore regained but after cleansing like you will with our program, the weight is kept off as illustrated below.

3. Do you have a  BIG APPETITE or you’ve got CRAVINGS you can’t control? program does not ignore that we all have our cravings and might be unable to say “no” to the urges of eating the wrong food. It is for this reason that the program has incorporated the garcinia cambogia fruit in softgel form to help suppress too much appetite naturally and keep cravings under control.

4. Do you wonder about the SAGGING SKIN after losing weight? did you at one point LOSE WEIGHT then it all CAME BACK AGAIN? This is why:-As you do exercises, fat is burnt, right? What replaces it? If nothing does, you are susceptible to weight gain. But if you have adequate, quality protein that is readily available to cells like is the case in this programme, as you lose fat, since protein is the building block of tissue including muscle, when you work out, the protein helps the body build lean muscle to replace fat being lost and maintains the existing muscle tissue. So you find that your tummy or body is toned and locked in with lean muscle as you lose the fat and thus you are able to easily keep off the weight without sagging skin.

You will also notice that with our programme you start by losing mostly tummy fat ,love handles mostly on ladies, and arm fat before anything else. These are the first to go! So you lose weight proportionally and are able to maintain it long after the fit programme is over. Isn’t that FANTASTIC ?!

Now you must be asking.. WHERE DO I START?! HERE YOU GO! ???


What is clean9?

Clean9 (C9) is a 9 day cleansing phase which is part of the Fit program from Forever Living Products (USA) which has been here since 1978 giving amazing, highly effective and internationally used health beauty and wellness solutions in over 158 countries worldwide. We give 100% guarantee to our clients as our products speak for themselves with highly recognized international certifications such as International Aloe Science Council Seal, Kosher, Halal and Islamic Seals along with local approval from KEBS. Quality and safety you can count on as illustrated below!

Clean9 is the first crucial phase of our Fit programme and corrects all reasons you have not been seeing results. Its not a diet,a phase or a fad that comes and goes. This is a lifestyle programme. Clean9 helps you get rid of stored wastes and toxins with added benefits of losing inches off the stubborn tummy area, love handles, arms, and thighs. It works within 9 days and won’t need to continue if you are just looking out to cleanse and lose a few inches.

EXPECTED RESULTS OF CLEAN9 ARE:- a loss of between 3 to 6 kgs and 2 to 4 inches around the waistline within those 9 days. If you need to lose more, you’ll need the continuation pack called FIT 1 for 30 days or FIT 15 (F15) which is half of FIT 1 lasts for 15 days.

30 minutes light exercises (home or at the gym) and healthy diet are at the core of this program. To be able to CLEANSE your system thoroughly and KICK START YOUR METABOLISM, clean9 is made up of strictly natural and organic products from plant sources, which include:-

  • AlOE VERA GEL:- A drink that thoroughly cleanses your system. This is from the Aloe Barbadensis Miller species. The best and most potent species of Aloe Vera. Aloe Vera is known all over the world for its powerful cleansing properties.

  • GLUTEN-FREE WATER SOLUBLE FIBRE:- to clean out sludge from your gut and help you feel full throughout the programme.

  • GARCINIA:- from the garcinia cambogia fruit to prevent conversion of excess starch to fats and helps in burning fat cells. its also known for its amazing property of suppressing appetite.

  • THERM:- a combination of vitamins and botanical extracts to boost metabolism. Slow metabolism is one of the major causes of being overweight as mentioned earlier. When you take therm, after eating, whatever the body needs for energy is taken and the rest instead of being converted to fats, it’s converted to energy. It therefore boosts energy levels.

  • ULTRA LITE SOY PROTEIN SHAKE:- to maintain the assets(muscle tissue) you like on your body…so that when you work out you only lose fat on tummy, love handles and arm fat. Areas of fat you didn’t have as a young girl or boy. Those are the first to go!

NOTE: – You can exercise all year round and spend so much at the gym..but never lose as much as you want to because with waste and toxins in your body it’s difficult to lose weight. Or if you lose it..its easy for it to come all back without a programme to cleanse, tame your eating habits,help you enjoy fitness activities to make it part of your routine and ensure your body is toned with lean muscle not to attract weight easily in the future.


1. If you want to get rid of excess belly fat, love handles, excess fat around the arms and thighs.

2. If you are tired of home exercises or using the gym to get rid of excess belly fat or weight and its not working for you.

3. If you have lots of dresses or other fabulous clothes you like but have abandoned in your wardrobe just because you no longer fit into them anymore and have resorted to wearing clothes you don’t like.

4. If your colleagues at work, your family, friend or neighbour had in one time or the other joked or made comments on your chubby belly or weight and you want this to end.

5. If you are very busy and work long hours. You have no time for long gym sessions and are looking for a simple but effective program with real results.

6. If you just want to feel healthier, lighter, more energized and more youthful with smooth glowing skin!

The pack comes with a GUIDEBOOK, but further support throughout the program from start to finish is guaranteed!

I am looking forward to getting you started and see you celebrate amazing results like my clients are. Some actively and happily recommending to their family and friends too.

Health is so fragile. While you still have it, make it a priority. Hypertension and type 2 diabetes go so hand in hand with excess weight especially upper body weight regardless of age! And who wants medication and needles for life?

Today is another chance to make yourself proud by taking charge of your health.No excuses!


Text “FIT” to +233577020593 or call +233556763670 right away to place an order or make inquiries!


Health Beauty and Wellness Coach.



after just the c9:

after c9 and F15:

Take Action Now! whatsapp me on +233577020593  For Free Consultation or Call directly on +233556763670

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